Anyone whose ever read this blog knows that I am deeply and forever in love with adventure. And perhaps that even more than on high mountain passes or in vast deserts I find it in people. Stumbling across the threshold to the house of strangers, ever so eager to surf whatever wave life decides to unfold this time. Coming into Tarija, Bolivia – I got to experience this whole thing with the best twist imaginable.

Long story short – I’ve dedicated the better part of my life to tennis. And tennis to me, means Richie. The dude that ever since I was 10-years-old has been playing the role of coach, friend and later also boss in a big mashup that’s never really made sense to anyone. As I’ve gone from kid, horrible teenager, pretend-to-be-adult to world cyclist, he has somehow always been there. There for everyone around to talk to and lean on, but without ever really giving away too much of his own story.

As another afternoon fell, I found myself in Tarija. Standing outside another door of complete strangers. Nervous. Because this time was like no one else. This was the very house were my lifelong unsolved mystery Richie once had taken his very first steps. And inside was his Bolivian family – waiting for me.

I won’t write about the week I spend in Tarija as it’s not really relevant to anything. But I just need to have this post here, as it represent a memory which I personally hold with endless gratitude. The constant stream of uncles, cousins, nieces and friends. The Willy Wonka style flow of food and never ceasing love, warmth and laughter.

No, I’m not even gonna try.

In one weeks time I had long lost count on the times I blamed my lack of words on my broken Spanish. Though the truth is that I don’t have them in any other language either. All I have is thank you. Thank you all – for everything.

Richard, Roxanita, Abuelita Wilma, Adri, JP, Majo, Alejandra, Ricardo, Camila, Sebas, Mamita Vanessa, Marcelo y todos otros. Gracias por dejarme entrar en tus vidas. Les quiero con todo mí alma y les extraño tanto. Les llevaro siempre en mi corazón, por favor nunca lo olviden. Con mil besitos y todo mi cariño – Fika <3

Cocoa fruit!

..& the best sopa de maní Bolivia has ever seen

Until next time,

